Saturday, June 30, 2018

Day 8 - Dinosaur National Monument

Today, we visited the Utah side of Dinosaur National Monument, but not before having a delicious hot breakfast at the Dinosaur Inn & Suites. Dinosaur National Monument is huge. It is contained within parts of Utah and Colorado, but the Dinosaur Quarry is on the Utah side, so naturally we went there. The landscapes leading up to the quarry and visitor center were breathtaking, and we set the tone by playing the Jurassic Park soundtrack during the drive. When we got to the visitor center there was a shuttle waiting to drive us up to the quarry. After a short but educational ride to the quarry, we finally ready to see some fossils. 

The Quarry Exhibit Hall is a preserved bone-bearing layer of the quarry wall containing the bones of 10 different species of dinosaurs that existed in the Morrison ecosystem 149 million years ago. A handy guide book helped us to identify each fossil by sectioning off the quarry face and cataloging each bone. It was the largest seek and find we have ever done, and it was a lot of fun! 

After we left the Quarry we did the Auto Tour of the Tilted Rocks, a scenic drive through the Utah side of the park that highlighted petroglyphs, Split Mountain, Green River, and a cabin of a homesteader who lived in the area until 1964. The drive was beautiful, as you can see below. We loved this park and can't wait until we can come back and explore the Colorado side! 

From Dinosaur National Monument we had a long drive to our motel for the night in Winnemucca, NV. On the way we drove alongside the Great Salt Lake and the Great Salt Lake Desert. Both were pretty spectacular.  

Freshly cooked hot breakfast 
Utah side
Shuttle ridin'
View from the parking lot
Morrison formation
Welcome... to Jurassic Park 
Look at all the fossils!
Stegosaurus vertebrae
Human radius and ulna compared to dinosaur radius and ulna

Fossilized skull
Stegosaurus seek and find
Depictions of the dinosaurs found in the quarry wall
Us and the entire quarry wall
Touching real dinosaur fossils
Greg got in on the action too
Most complete skeleton of a baby stegosaurus ever found
It's it's a dinosaur
Cub Creek Road 
The yellowish stones look like a dinosaur!
Split Mountain
Really neat campground location
Green River
Turtle Rock (see the turtle?)
Petroglyphs (can you spot the lizard?)
Josie Morris Cabin
Great Salt Lake and Antelope Island 
Great Salt Lake Desert
Winnemucca from a very dirty windshield
Day 8 Rating: Life, uh, finds a way 10/10

Bonus video!

Friday, June 29, 2018

Day 7 - Scotts Bluff, Fort Laramie, and Flaming Gorge Scenic Byway

As the title shows, this was a busy day! Since we arrived at Scott's Bluff National Monument after the visitor center and scenic drive were closed, we returned the next day to check them out. As always, we watched the informational video. This one was really neat, because it was made with no budget by local college students as a school project. They did a great job! The scenic drive was beautiful, and we were glad that we went back for it.

We then headed over to Fort Laramie, another stop along the historic Oregon Trail. Four trails, the Oregon Trail, California Trail, Pony Express, and Mormon Pioneer Trail, actually converge at Fort Laramie, so it was a history gold mine (and points gold mine - for the contest of course). The fort is composed of 22 remaining structures, and we were even able to walk through some of them. One of our favorite parts was the bar, where we got ice cold sarsaparilla sodas.

Not too far from Fort Laramie was the Oregon Trail Ruts National Historic Landmark. Here, we saw actual ruts left by wagon wheels from those traveling the Oregon Trail - really neat! We had a long drive from here to our motel in Dinosaur, Utah, but along the way we were greeted by the Flaming Gorge Scenic Byway. This was a pleasant surprise, as this was one of the most beautiful drives we have ever taken, and it was completely unplanned! It was a gorgeous drive, and the sunset only made it better.

Tunnel during the Scotts Bluff scenic drive  
Overlooking Mitchell's Pass
Chimney rock out in the distance
I can't keep up with him
Smiling faces ready for a busy day
Next stop: Fort Laramie
View of the grounds from one of the restored buildings
Seating for the bar 
Two sarsaparillas please
Building remains
NOT drinking and driving
Aw ruts
80 points right there
The beginning of Flaming Gorge Scenic Byway
No wildfires here thankfully
From the car 
Excited to be in Utah and even more excited to see Dinosaurs
The landscape never ends
Cheesin' it as usual
Flaming Gorge Dam
Flaming Gorge Reservoir
Another stunning sunset
We think we are artsy
Beautiful end to a beautiful day
Day 7 Rating: 90 point day 10/10